
Are you Organized or Chaotic?

Are you Organized or Chaotic?

this blog is continuation to my previous blog “Are you extrovert or introvert” which can be found by clicking here.

Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)

The question here is:

How do you make decisions?

The people with Thinking (T) preference tend to base their decisions on the logic, facts, figures and what’s practical and tangible i.e they decide with their “head”. In contrary the people with Feeling (F) as preference tend to base their decisions on their internal value system, feelings, people, empathy and emotions.

Let’s take again an example. You are the coach of a children’s football (or ice hockey) team. Your team has been invited to a tournament which is somewhere nice and geographically far away. All costs are covered by the institution who has invited your team. Now comes the catch, your team has 30 players, but only 17 are allowed to participate. Your task is to select who may and who may not participate. Here are the questions to you:

  1. Do you tend select the players with best track record and performance? Could you imagine that you analyze the statistics to support that? Would you tend to go to the tournament with “we are going there to win” mentality with best performing winning team. Do you find yourself often seeking “clarity” with your decisions?


  1. Do you tend to select the players who have been most active in training session, even though they are not necessarily the very best ones? Or could your tendency be toward selecting the best “team players” who motivate the others and build a great spirit in the team? Could you imagine yourself thinking which ones of the kids might come from the families who do not have financial means for traveling and select them to give them a chance to do that once. Do you find yourself often seeking “harmony” with your decisions?

If you tend to recognize yourself answering mostly yes to the question 1. your tendency is probably towards being a thinking (T) person. On the other hand if the question 2 is more like you, your tendency is probably towards being a feeling (F) person. Authors note: my tendency is very much towards Feeling.

Yep, you got it right. Like in the previous functions none of these two are better or preferable. They both just are plain neutral and as important. The key is to understand and recognize your discussion partner and let her/him be herself/himself.

Judging (J) or Perceiving (P)

The question here is:

What is your external lifestyle like?

The people with Judging (J) preference tend to be organized, planned, ready well before deadline and they tend to finish things. J persons also often have big respect of the rules and regulations. In contrary the people with Perceiving (P) as preference tend to be chaotic, disorganized, open for possibilities most of the time and they tend to do things only if they really have to and usually on the last minute. P persons tend to understand the rules and regulations as “guidelines” rather than strict rules. Instead of following rules they often question them and prefer using common sense if that is more practical.

Let’s take again one example. How do you plan your holiday? Here are the questions to you:

  1. Do you tend plan your holiday well in time (months or at least several weeks before the holiday, some one perhaps years before)? Do you buy the travel guides before hands at home? Do you prefer going to places where you already visited on some one you know visited? If your travel plans are changed due to airline strike, overbooked hotel or similar event which is out of your control, do you tend to get (very) angry or upset about it? Do you tend to seek security, piece of mind and relaxed atmosphere by planning most of the things well before the holiday? Do you find that leaving things open is just too much stress which would cause you not being able to relax and feel like you are on holiday?


  1. Do you tend to book at last minute? Do you find it refreshing and relaxing to just go and book the hotels on the spot when you arrive? Do you usually go on holiday without any plan or with very little plan? Do you find that making firm decisions and committing yourself to a fixed plan makes you feel like you are not on holiday?

If you tend to recognize yourself answering mostly yes to the question 1. your tendency is probably towards being a Judging (J) person. On the other hand if the question 2 is more like you, your tendency is probably towards being a Perceiving (P) person. Authors note: my tendency is very much towards Perceiving.

Yep, you got it right. Like in the previous functions none of these two are better or preferable. They both just are plain neutral and as important. The key is to understand and recognize your discussion partner and let her/him be herself/himself.

How could you use all this?

However, rather than giving solutions here I would like to ask you how you could imagine using this knowledge in your daily life? Do you know which personality type you are? You can share your comments on in this blog just by clicking “comments” section or in Facebook by clicking here. By the way I am an ENFP.

…stay tuned this blog will be continued shortly.

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