
Category Archives : Change management

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #10

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #9

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #8

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #7

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #6

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #5

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #3

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #2

Simple tips how to become a better leader? #1

New year – personal change that is sustainable

It is that time of the year again when some people want to start new life and make new year’s promises to do it. 99% of the promises are filled with good intentions but also with a expectations that new year magically will bring the change. Like Albert Einstein (or…


Why overload of rules, processes and metrics keeps us from doing our best?

Are you outside of your comfort zone?

You are likely either left or right handed. Similarly you cross your arms either left or right arm on top. Also you probably cross your hands either left of right thumb on top. Most of the time, or actually nearly every time, you tend to do it the same way….


Tribal Leadership – improving your business culture part IV

…this blog is continuation to the Tribal Leadership series in The previous articles discussed the foundation of the tribal leadership as well as introduced you to the stages 1 through 5 in detail. The previous articles can be found under these links: Does your business focus on meaningless details…


Tribal Leadership – improving your business culture part II

…this blog is a continuation to the Tribal Leadership series in The previous article about the stages 1 and 2 can be found here: “Tribal Leadership – improving your business culture part I“. This part describes the tribal stages 3 and 4. It makes sense to discuss these two…


Which tribe you belong to?

I read recently the book “Tribal Leadership” from Dave Logan, John King and Halee Fischer-Wright. To be honest, actually listened the free audiobook version of it that you can download too. This model they build claims that every company or any group of people can been seen as a tribe….


Finance (banking) crisis and innovation

As we all know, we are (again) living the times of banking crisis. Someone blames Greece, some other blames Italy or Spain. It is correct that the public sector spending in these countries has been out of control for many years. Having said that the European Banks have also been…


Power of words

Watch this extremely good video about the importance of how you communicate things. Thanks for ICG for finding it in YouTube. How did you feel after watching this video?


The new website is live! Check it out and click the “Like”.



LinkedIn has made it possible to create user polls. So, that needs to be tried out. It would be very much appreciated if you could distribute this poll as wide as possible. More volume = better quality results. Here is the, yes very polarizing, question.


Strawberries and Champagne

(At least) Two strategy approaches are at the moment very much affecting the business life: sense of urgency vs. Blue Ocean. THE strategy guru everybody refers to is John Kotter. Especially his 8-Step Change Model has become the mantra of change management. The first step is to create Sense of…


Are you expected to sit in the office?

The factory called office If you have a factory it is pretty obvious that putting more hours and more labor and investing to new production line will increase the output of your factory. This of course translates to more sales given you are able to sell the goods. Since the…


Thoughts about the change in business enviroment: John Kotter

This is a great short video summarizing what John Kotter thinks about the future and the pace of change. It is definitely worth checking out.


New value year 2011

The new year is always a discontinuity point and time for making promises. Why not deciding to start thriving your business towards new growth and untapped markets? Here are couple of ideas that might be relevant to you. Understand your value curve First you need to understand how your product…


Steve Jobs about Leadership

Steve Jobs was and Apple still is one of the biggest succes stories of the last decade. Arguably his leadership style divided the opinions of people quite in a black and white manner. However, he brought Apple to where Apple now is. A while ago I found this short video…


Steve Jobs about the importance of sharing the same vision

Steve Jobs: “Here is what you find at a lot of companies. You know how you see a show car, and it’s really cool, and then four years later you see the production car, and it sucks? And you go, what happened? They had it! They had it in the…


Everything changes all the time

Would you hire Roger Federer to play tennis or to sing?

Example I will start with a simplified and maybe naive example to set the scene. Let’s assume that you know that your business success depends on how well your organization is able to play tennis and sing. You have two employees: Roger Federer and Madonna. How would you organize your…


Apparent productivity in white-collar work

What is productivity? Wikipedia definition for productivity is: What does that mean in Blue-collar work? The productivity of manufacturing and other manual labor (Blue-collar) is pretty easy to measure and control. More input means more output. More hours labor in means more products or services out. Streamlining of the processes…


Permission marketing

Isn´t it so annoying when your favorite movie or football game is brutally interrupted by some desperate corporate trying to sell you more washing powder, cars, beverages or something else? I guess very likely your answer is yes. Probably you are more likely not to buy that particular brand that…


Change management: Dealing with the fears of people

Probably the most important thing, when managing the change at workplace, is to understand how your team perceives the change. What does the change really mean to the people as individuals. You should try to understand their fears, expectations and involve them to open discussion about the change you are…
